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Numarul locuintelor construite in 2014, in crestere

Numarul locuintelor construite in 2014, in crestere

Numarul locuintelor construite in 2014, in crestere

Numarul locuintelor construite in primele noua luni din 2014 a inregistrat o crestere de 7% fata de aceeasi perioada a anului trecut, la 28.555 de unitati. In trimestrul trei au fost date in folosinta 10.973 de locuinte, fata de 9.734 de unitati in perioada iulie-septembrie anul trecut, conform INS. Cele mai multe locuinte au fost finalizate in mediul urban, respectiv 51,7% din total. Repartitia pe fonduri de finantare a locuintelor ter...

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Plus Prime agency offers free consulting in the field of real estate:

- Sales/rents of apartments
- Houses/Vilas, commerials areas, lands

The Plus Prime real estate agency was set up to pursue a precise purpose. It is to provide professional services and to look for advantageous real estate solutions to meet the demands of our clients.
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